Consumer Goods

Head Stock Protector

Plastic has helped revolutionize the modern home in more ways than most notice. It helps prevent corrosion in your dishwasher, keeps your food fresh and contaminant free, and even protects you from the elements. From the moment you slap your alarm clock right until you brush your teeth before bed, plastic plays many important roles in your every day life.

Products destined for consumers need to be designed and manufactured with more than functionality in mind. Customers are looking for inexpensive products that are safe and reliable as well as aesthetically pleasing, while developers and manufacturers need to maintain profit margins. With plastic components, you can meet all of these needs.

Hand Saw, Handle Assembly Molded at PIPLLC

Since our founding in 1999, Pilgrim Innovative Plastics has provided high-quality plastic goods intended for consumers. In fact, the first products we'd ever manufactured were developed with our assistance and sold quite successfully through a home shopping network. We'd like to use our engineering expertise to help you accomplish your goals, as well.

By working closely with you throughout development, we can help you make intelligent design decisions to keep manufacturing costs down without sacrificing quality. We'll help you choose the right materials for your product, know when to take advantage of advanced manufacturing techniques, and even assist in development of assembly procedures.

If you're just starting out, come to us first. As a growing business that maintains private ownership, we can relate to your small business needs. Our quick turnaround time and low-volume order options will help you serve customers quickly without keeping a large inventory, while our close relationship to mold makers helps ensure minimal downtime if your product design is revised.

As a locally owned and operated business, Pilgrim Innovative Plastics is proud to provide goods that are manufactured entirely in the USA. While many products labelled "Made in America" are actually only assembled here from components manufactured around the world, you can advertise with pride that your product is 100% Made in America, start to finish.